To WANDER is to roam without direction so that we may WONDER - to marvel at or think curiously about the world within us and around us.

Never before have I seen so much beauty as I have since picking up my humble camera.

With camera in hand, my pace slows, my mind empties, my eyes widen - and I begin to wander with open curiosity, free of my inner critic, awash with a river of joy running through me.

My artistic practice reflects the Daily Wanderings of an ORDINARY LIFE – where I contemplate and ruminate, reflect humanity back to humanity, and seize the beauty of the moment – all the while leaving space for the unknown ...

Using photography in conjunction with the written word, I invite the viewer/reader to layer and intermingle their meaning and experiences to my art, therefore, making us collaborators and co-creators – ever evolving and transforming our understanding of ourselves, the other, and the world we live in. 

Shedding light on the duality that exists within us and outside of us, with the intention of encouraging humanity to heal the divide that keeps us feeling separate from, and fearful of the other, is a key component to my work. 

Ultimately, embracing multiple points of view provides a greater understanding of humanity and a much more fulfilling experience of our time on this earth.

Lisa Di Fruscia is a photographer, artist and teacher based in Montreal, QC, Canada, who enjoys wandering, pondering, and reflecting humanity back to itself.